Wednesday 21 August 2013

E-bost Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr - ymateb UCU Aber

(Saesneg - English)

Mae holl staff y Brifysgol wedi derbyn e-bost gan yr Is-ganghellor yn ddiweddar ynghylch yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr. Dyma’r ymateb yr ydym ni wedi ei yrru ati hi. Rhoir unrhyw ymateb yma, os cawn ni ymateb.

Annwyl April,

Croesawn y newyddion diweddaraf a anfonwyd gennych at yr holl staff yn sgil cyhoeddi ffigurau’r Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr. Cytunwn ei bod hi’n achos pryder fod y Brifysgol wedi disgyn yn y tabl, ond rydym yn sicr y byddwch yn cytuno fod hyn yn offeryn braidd yn ddi-fin ar gyfer mesur perfformiad staff. Felly, tra ymunwn â chi’n llongyfarch yr adrannau hynny sydd wedi llwyddo i gynyddu lefelau boddhad eu myfyrwyr, rydym hefyd yn cydnabod ymdrech yr holl staff ar draws y Brifysgol p’un a yw’r ymdrechion hynny’n cael eu hadlewyrchu yn yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr neu beidio.

Rydym yn sicr nad canlyniadau’r Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr yw unig yrrwr cynllunio buddsoddi, a bod barn myfyrwyr a staff yr un mor bwysig wrth lunio cynllunio buddsoddi. Croesawn y cynnydd mewn buddsoddiad yn y Brifysgol, gan gynnwys ei hystadau a’i hisadeiledd, sydd er budd y staff a’r myfyrwyr, cyhyd ag y bo lefel y buddsoddiad yn gynaladwy er mwyn dyfodol y Brifysgol.

Mae yna rai pwyntiau y tynnwyd ein sylw atynt yn eich e-bost, a hoffem fynegi ein barn arnynt:

1.       Mae blaengynllunio’n hanfodol ar gyfer dyfodol y Brifysgol, a chredwn mai diffyg blaengynllunio a arweiniodd at y problemau y gellid bod wedi eu hosgoi llynedd. Rydym yn falch fod gwersi gwerthfawr wedi eu dysgu.

2.       A gyhoeddwyd cynlluniau trafnidiaeth i/o Lanbadarn i’r campysau eraill? Os felly ble? A pha gamau sydd wedi eu cymryd i wella diogelwch y rhai sy’n seiclo a cherdded rhwng y dref a’r campws a rhwng y campysau?

3.       I ba raddau (a ym mha ffordd) yr ymgynghorwyd â staff yn ystod llunio’r Cynllun Cyfalaf Projectau, a gyhoeddir yn fuan?

4.       Beth fydd cynrychiolaeth y staff ar y grŵp Gwella Profiad Myfyrwyr, y bwriedir ei gynnull?

5.       Yn ddiweddar, syrthiasom o’r 133ain i’r 135ain safle yng Nghynghrair y Bobl a’r Blaned Werdd ar gyfer prifysgolion. Mae Bangor yn 20fed tra mai ni yw’r isaf trwy Gymru. A gawn ni ymateb manwl i’r ffaith drist hon? Dylai Prifysgol Aberystwyth fod yn arwain y ffordd yn y maes hwn ac ystyried ymchwil Sefydliad Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau’r Ddaear (IGES) a Sefydliad y Gwyddorau Biolegol, Amgylcheddol a Gwledig (IBERS) i allyriadau carbon a newid hinsawdd. Mae’n anffodus nodi ein bod ni’n un o brif gyfranwyr i gynhesu byd-eang ymhlith prifysgolion y Deyrnas Gyfunol, ac ymddengys mai ni sydd leiaf pryderus i wneud iawn am hyn, er gwaethaf ein hymchwil gwerthfawr i’r maes hwn.

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich ymateb i’r pwyntiau hyn, ac i barhau deialog gadarnhaol gyda chi a Phwyllgor Gwaith y Brifysgol.

Yr eiddoch,

Am y Pwyllgor Gwaith UCU

National Student Survey Email - UCU Response

All University staff recently received an email from the Vice-Chancellor regarding the results of the national Student Survey. The local executive responded to the email as set out below. We will let you know if we get a reply.

Dear April,

 We welcome the update from you sent to all staff in the light of the publication of the NSS figures. We agree that it is regrettable that the University has dropped in the table, but we are sure you will agree that this is a somewhat blunt instrument for measuring the performance of staff. So while we join with you in congratulating those departments who have managed to increase their overall satisfaction rating, we also recognise the efforts of all staff across the University whether those efforts have been reflected in the NSS or not.

 We are sure that results in the NSS are not the sole drivers for investment plans, and the views of current students and staff are at least as important in shaping investment planning. We welcome the increased investment in the University and its estate and infrastructure which are to the benefit of staff and students, as long as the level of investment is sustainable for the future of the University.

 There some other points that you brought to our attention in your email and we would like to comment on these:

 1.    Forward planning is essential to the future of the University and it is our view that it was a lack of forward planning that led to the avoidable problems with the timetable last year. We are glad to see that valuable lessons have been learnt.

 2.    Have detailed plans for the transport to/from Llanbadarn to other campuses been published? If so where? And what steps have been taken to improve the security and safety of those cycling and walking between the town and the campus, and between campuses?

 3.     To what extent (and by what means) were staff consulted during the drawing up of the Capital Projects Plan, which be published shortly?

 4.     What will be the recognised staff representation on the Student Experience and Enhancement group which is to be convened?

5.   We recently dropped from 133rd to 135th in the People and Planet Green League for Universities. Bangor are 20th and we are the lowest in Wales. Can we please have a detailed response to this sad fact? AU should be leading the way in the area, given IGES and IBERS research into carbon emissions and Climate Change and it is unfortunate to see that we are major contributors to global warming amongst the Universities of the UK, and apparently among the least concerned to put this right, despite our valuable research in the area.

We look forward to your responses to these points, and to a continuing positive dialogue with you and the executive of the University. 

Friday 26 July 2013

Statement to UCU members

This statement is sent on behalf of the UCU Executive in response to comments made by the President and Vice-chancellor of Aberystwyth University following the BBC coverage on Monday  15th July.  We would also like to thank UCU members, members of the other trades unions and others of the University community who have contacted us in support of the statement and stand taken by UCU.
The President and Vice-Chancellor state that they “do not recognise the concerns raised in the broadcast”, and that the UCU and other trades unions have not raised these issues with senior management.  In both formal and informal meetings with the Aberystwyth University Executive, the UCU and the other campus unions have raised concerns about the escalation of disciplinary processes and the use of precautionary suspensions. We have also raised concerns about the AU Executive and Human Resources failing to adhere to current policies.  Specific allegations of bullying have been repeatedly raised by all unions through grievance procedure, but no responses have been given. We are informed that letters concerning bullying have been written directly to the Vice-Chancellor and to the President by individual members of staff, and there has also been no response to these either. The recent coverage of the Arts Centre should have been enough to have raised concerns with the President, Vice‑Chancellor and the University Executive.
Concerning the Arts Centre, we would like to draw members’ attention to the following sequence of events. Prior to the UCU Extraordinary General Meeting on 24th April, 2013, members of the UCU Executive and the then President of the Local Association attended a meeting in the Vice‑Chancellor’s office to discuss the motions to be put before members. At that meeting we discussed our concerns at the use of precautionary suspensions, lack of process and the failure to support staff. The two motions were passed unanimously at the UCU Extraordinary General Meeting on the 25th April 2013. The motions were handed to the University Secretary who forwarded them to the President on the 30th April, 2013, for his consideration and, for the consideration by the University Council. The Vice-Chancellor and other members of the Executive are also members of the University Council. We consider this formal route to be a more than adequate channel for communicating these motions and the concerns raised therein.
We find it very perplexing that the response to the broadcast has not addressed the issues concerned. It is unacceptable in any modern workplace that a member of staff should feel that they have been bullied and find it necessary to appear on camera in silhouette with voice-over, as occurred in the broadcast on 15th July. In the statements from the Vice-Chancellor and President no empathy has been shown for people who claim they have been subject to bullying. Instead, the President and Vice‑Chancellor merely assert that they do “not recognise the picture”. We can assure the President, Vice‑Chancellor and University Executive that it is a picture that is recognised by us.

The UCU continues to work hard to eradicate bullying and unfair treatment and always responds to members' concerns. We remind members that they can contact the UCU via or via the joint Union office: 01970 621519. 

Monday 20 May 2013

UCU AGM 12.00 5th June C4 Lecture Room, Hugh Owen Building - Please join in.

This year's annual general meeting of the Aberystwyth University Local Association of the UCU will take place at midday on 5th June in C4 Lecture room, Hugh Owen, Penglais Campus.   At this meeting we will elect new members to the UCU Exec and debate motions to set the agenda for Aber UCU activities over the coming year. Please make every effort to attend. An agenda with a list of motions for debate will be circulated shortly before the AGM.


Members should submit motions for debate to Joe Ironside ( If you are unsure of how a motion should be worded, members of the current UCU Exec will be happy to assist you. Ideally, motions should be clear, actionable and achievable.


Members who would like to play an active role in the union are invited to stand for election to the Aber UCU Executive. For more information regarding the roles and duties of Exec members, please contact Joe Ironside ( or any other current Exec member. Members may stand for any of the following posts:

Vice President
Hon. Secretary
Asst. Hon. Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
Membership Secretary
Retired Members' Rep.
Fixed Term and Hourly Paid Staff Rep.
Postgraduate Students' Rep.
Professorial Staff Rep.
Health, Safety and Environment Officer
Contract Research Staff Rep.
Union Learning Rep.
Equality Officer
Ordinary Member

We look forward to seeing all of you at the AGM,

Friday 26 April 2013

Two motions passed unanimously by packed Extraordinary Meeting.

A packed teaching room in Hugh Owen was the venue yesterday lunchtime (25th April)  for an Extraordinary Meeting of the Aberystwyth Branch of the UCU. The subject matter of the meeting was very focused – two motions: one regarding the future of Aberystwyth Arts Centre, and one regarding the use of ‘precautionary suspensions’.

Both motions were the subject of intense scrutiny, as the wording, and the implications of the wording, were examined by the assembled sharp, learned and academic minds. Feelings on both subjects were very strong, and this was reflected in the final wording of the motions being passed unanimously with no abstentions or opposing votes.

It was felt by those at the meetings that the motions should be publicised as widely as possible.

The agreed text of the two motions was as follows:

Aberystwyth Arts Centre

Aberystwyth University Local Association of the UCU (Aber UCU) recognises the vital role played by Aberystwyth Arts Centre in the cultural life and economy of Aberystwyth and Mid Wales generally. We also recognise that the facilities, reputation and community ethos of the Arts Centre have been built up by earned income, external funding, and the dedication of Arts Centre staff, together with support from the University, the Arts Council of Wales and the local authority. We hold that, as custodian of the Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University has a moral responsibility to give priority to the Arts Centre’s principal artistic and community functions over more general University functions such as teaching and research. Aber UCU opposes any action by Aberystwyth University serving to compromise the artistic and community functions of the Arts Centre, directly or indirectly, or to endanger its external sources of funding.

Precautionary suspensions

Aberystwyth University Local Association of the UCU (Aber UCU) acknowledges that members of Aberystwyth University staff may need to be suspended when recognisable instances of gross misconduct such as dishonesty, theft or violence are alleged. However, Aber UCU opposes the use of precautionary suspensions in cases where no offence reasonably recognisable as gross misconduct has been alleged. Aber UCU will use all means at its disposal to ensure that all instances of precautionary suspension of UCU members are justified objectively and that all cases in which precautionary suspensions appear to have been used inappropriately by Aberystwyth University are challenged. Aber UCU insists that all disciplinary investigations are resolved in a timely manner and opposes the imposition by Aberystwyth University of restrictions on the freedom of expression (“gagging orders”) and freedom of association of its employees.

Monday 22 April 2013

Arts Centre and Suspensions: Extraordinary UCU General Meeting Thurs 25th April 12 pm

An extraordinary general meeting of the Aberystwyth University Local Association of the UCU will take place in D54 Hugh Owen On Thursday 25th April 12 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to debate and vote upon the following two motions:

1. Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Aberystwyth University Local Association of the UCU (Aber UCU) recognises the vital role played by Aberystwyth Arts Centre in the cultural life and economy of Aberystwyth and Mid Wales generally. We also recognise that the facilities, reputation and community ethos of the Arts Centre have been built up through external funding and through the dedication of Arts Centre staff. We hold that, as custodian of the Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University has a moral responsibility to give priority to the Arts Centre’s principal artistic and community functions over more general University functions such as teaching and research. Any attempt by Aberystwyth University to undermine the artistic and community functions of the Arts Centre to further another agenda will be viewed by Aber UCU as a breach of trust on the part of the University and will be opposed by Aber UCU.

2. Precautionary suspensions
Aberystwyth University Local Association of the UCU (Aber UCU) acknowledges that members of Aberystwyth University staff may occasionally need to be suspended when recognisable instances of gross misconduct such as dishonesty, theft or violence are alleged. However, Aber UCU deplores the use of precautionary suspensions and gagging orders in cases where no offence recognisable as gross misconduct has been alleged. Aber UCU will use all means at its disposal to ensure that all instances of precautionary suspension of UCU members are justified objectively and that all cases in which precautionary suspensions appear to have been used inappropriately by Aberystwyth University are challenged.

We encourage all members of Aber UCU to make every effort to attend this meeting. 

Thursday 14 March 2013

Save the Guidelines for employers on Health and Safety Laws

Sign the e-petition!

The UCU and your local Executive urge you to sign this e-petition.

The Government plans to cut important guidelines that help employers to comply with health and safety laws. Organisations use the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Approved Code of Practice’ (ACoP) to manage risk and prevent accidents, injury, illness and death in the workplace. But the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) wants to replace this with non-approved guidance that lacks the same authority and assurance. IOSH believes this would be a mistake that could potentially cost lives and we strongly urge the DWP to improve and retain this much-valued ACoP.

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health have now posted their first-ever e-petition on the Government’s website and if they reach 100,000 signatures, it triggers consideration and a possible debate in Parliament. Such a debate would draw attention to the issues and supporting MPs would get the opportunity to make the case for retention. To help secure 100,000 signatories, they’re encouraging our membership and all interested parties to sign-up. For more information about e-petitions, please see here.

So I would like to seek your support (and that of any interested family and friends) for our e-petition please. Signing is quick and easy and can be done by visiting

Thursday 10 January 2013

Claiming back the tax from UCU Direct Debits

Claiming back tax paid on Direct Debit Payments to the Union

Following the conversion of my payments to Direct Debit from my bank account and not by ‘check-off’ out of my wages by the Finance Department, I have been meaning to see if I can claim back the tax deductible from these membership costs. It has taken me long enough to get round to it – I made the change last January (2012) and have been paying by Direct Debit ever since. 

This is how easy it was:
  • I got all the letters from the union confirming the amounts I have paid – this was one when I stared and then another detailing a minor adjustment in April. I also checked my bank statements to make sure that they agreed with what the union said. I made a note of the amounts. 
  •  I made sure I had my National Insurance number. 
  •  I phoned HMRC on 0845 300 0627. 
  •  I followed the menus through to the one that said I had the wrong tax code. 
  •  A helpful lady answered and I told her that I wanted to claim tax relief for my union payments..
  • She confirmed the union (UCU) and that this was the legitimate union for my role and grade. 
  • She then took the financial details and confirmed that I would get a cheque for the amount of the union dues I had paid in the 2011 – 2012 tax year (which amounted to a refund of £12.00 odd, and arrived a couple of weeks later). 
  •  She also confirmed what my new tax code would be, and told me to check that my tax code was adjusted in my next pay slip. 
  •  My next pay slip had the new code – and I have been taking home a few quid extra each month as a result.

I would urge everyone who has switched to Direct Debit to do the same. If you haven’t done this you are paying extra money to the tax man that you don’t need to. It may seem a hassle, but over a year it’s an extra £50 - £60 for ten minutes work. Not a bad rate – and why give even more money to this rotten government anyway when you don’t have to?

There is also some useful guidance at: